Thankful to be here to break in another new year. Not much to talk about, but that usually doesn’t slow me down much. I did get my knife shop pretty much built, wired, and set up. Like the leather shop, I expect I’ll be working on it for the rest of my life, but I do enjoy it, so I’m blessed to have found another passion/obsession. I don’t see myself making a lot of knives, but a few here and there. I won’t be accepting any custom or advance orders for knives, but as they’re completed, I’ll be listing them on my other website GibsonLeather.com.
The round knife in the photo above is available if you’re looking. Right now, I have two ready to be shipped out. They’re both slowly and painstakingly ground from AEB-L stainless steel that I have heat treated, cryo-quenched and triple-tempered by the experts at Bos Heat Treating in the Buck Knives factory up in Post Falls, Idaho. All the specs are in their individual listings on the other website.
Beyond that, there’s not much to report around here. Winter’s been a mild ordeal so far–toughest part’s been the time change, and I’ll get used to that right around the time it springs forward an hour. Just a reminder to be thankful we’re not getting all the government we’re paying for.
That’s it for me, for now. Happy New Year…I hope 2022 is your best ever.