Happy Monday! Thought I’d write a few lines and show a few photos of what’s been going on around here. First, a quick “THANK YOU!” to all of my awesome customers that make this possible. If it weren’t for you, I’d have to do something stupid and worthless–like run for Congress.

Real quick, speaking of idiocy/Congress, the Postal Service is still crippled by the current idiot in charge, Louis DeJoy. We ship everything Priority Mail, which used to mean three to four days for delivery. They’re still getting close–usually within a couple of days of their “promise,” but always kind of a crap-shoot these days. The stuff we’ve been shipping has been seeing problems at the USPS distribution centers in Pensacola, Florida, and Austin, Texas. Everything has been arriving–so far. My hat’s off to the US Postal Service employees at ground-level for getting the job done despite the dumbasses at the top, and Congress poised to sabotage them at every turn.

I’m working on adding knife sheaths for the Buck 110 and 112. This is an experiment, and we’ll see how it goes. I’ve thrown in a few in the photos above to show our progress so far. I’m also working to stock the websites as I’m not currently accepting advance orders. If you see something you like, it’s in-stock and ships in a day or two.
That’s it for now. I’m caffeinated enough to get back to it.
From what’s left of America…