On the bench…
Working on a half-dozen or so for inventory. I thought I’d shoot a few progress photos for the blog and give you some idea of the process, and the steps involved in making a 1911 holster. These will all be natural, with no stamping or carving, white stitching, outside-the-waistband, high-ride, pancake-style, detailed molded, etc. These are my favorite to build, so that’s the reason you see so many of them.
The photo above shows a couple of my favorite tools–they’re both stitch grooves for cutting stitch lines before sewing. The general purpose is to recess the thread into a channel to minimize wear on the thread. I’m a clean-stitching freak, so anything I can do to make my stitch lines as neat as I can I’m in for. The tool at the top of the photo is one made by Bob Douglas up in Wyoming. The other is made by Jeremiah Watt. You can reach Jeremiah at www.Ranch2Arena.com and order one if you’re in the market. Jeremiah calls it a Gum Tool, and you can find it on his website at this link: https://www.ranch2arena.com/collections/horse-shoe-brand-tools/products/67-5200-gum-tool?variant=20123771011185 I don’t get a commission/reward for recommending the Watt/Horseshoe products–I just like to brag occasionally about the stuff I use and like. These come in two sizes–the #1, and the #2. For little stuff, like holsters, I only use the #1.
That’s about all I have for today–we rockin’ along and staying about as busy as we want to be. Thankful for great customers, and a fun job. Be sure to head over to our other website at www.GibsonLeather.com to check out the holsters we have in stock. We’ll be listing them here as time permits, but for now, they’re all over there.
Questions and comments are always welcome, so feel free!
From what’s left of America …
Super Bowl? Hell, no.
Never gave much of a damn either way with the NFL, NBA, or any of those other “N” organizations. These days, you couldn’t pay me to watch that crap. I’m a rodeo and bullriding fan–always have been. It’s about as American as it gets, and you’re likely to get a prayer at the outset. You’ll definitely get the National Anthem. Contestants in the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA), and the Professional Bull Riders (PBR) stand for the Anthem. Unless there’s a good reason not to.
I won’t watch the NFL, or their “Super Bowl” this weekend because I won’t sit and watch a bunch of ridiculously overpaid, spoiled, America-haters take a knee during the National Anthem. The ones that don’t disrespect the flag and the country? They tolerate the ones that do.
The United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs has an Honor Code. In part, it says, “We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does…” If you tolerate the behavior, you may as well participate in it.
If you hate the country or disrespect what it stands for–thank an American Veteran. Those folks are the heroes, and they’re the people that have sacrificed over generations to preserve your right to take a dump all over what America stands for. They paid for it — you can suck it.
Better yet, you can leave. But, you won’t.
From what’s left of America …