Happy Thursday! Hard to believe it’s already three days into December, but despite all the weirdness, 2020’s moved along pretty quickly for me. The worldwide social disease has raised the suck factor through the roof, but beyond that, and the toilet paper crisis, it hasn’t been too bad out here in the woods of Northwest Florida.
As I mentioned yesterday, I’ve reactivated this website primarily to restore the Blog, but I will also be adding a few products here and there as I figure out how this new deal works. In the meantime, I do have some in-stock gunleather over on the Gibson Leather website, which will continue to be my primary “store.”
I have been getting a lot of inquiries over the past several months about custom orders, and a bunch of requests to get off my ass and start making belts again. I will be doing that, but not right now. Truth be told, even though I love building belts, I have been enjoying the freedom of not having an order backlog. I’ve been doing other things to fend off poverty, but I do like not having a pile of orders waiting every morning. Despite all that, belts and gun belts are among my favorite products to make.
If you’re left-handed, and you’re in the market for a 4″ or 4.25″ 1911 holster in Black Cherry that’s been hand-basket stamped–the one in the photo above–feel free to wander over to the other website and check it out. Here’s a link to make it easier. I ship everything USPS Priority Mail within 24 to 48 hours and provide you with a tracking number. The postal service has been pretty screwed up since they hired that idiot to run it back in June, combined with the Christmas rush, so it’s almost a crapshoot to ship anything right now. If you’re a gambler, check out what we have available, and go for it.
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Let’s enjoy what’s left of America!