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Monday. On the bench. Two florals just oiled…

Gibson leather two floral carved holsters in progress right after oiling 100% neatsfoot oil

Good early Monday morning! The time changed here yesterday–we “Sprang Forward” an hour. The twice-a-year time travel opportunity always reinforces my conviction that our government really is as screwed up as we’re led to believe. Or, I’m a simpleton that doesn’t fully appreciate the method behind Uncle Sugar’s madness.

Anyway, glad I got that outta my system. Here are two 1911 holsters we floral carved a few days ago. Both are for 4″ or 4.25″ Commander-length 1911’s. They were both molded with 5-inch barrels, and the purpose behind that is to keep the toes open. By doing this, they will accommodate a 5-inch barrel leaving 1/2″ exposed. Some like the exposed muzzle, others don’t. Commander-length 1911’s are fully covered.

These two were just oiled with 100% pure Neatsfoot oil and they look like hell. That’s totally normal until the oil evens out and they take on a pretty cool honey-color. Unlike the college students we’ve got down here these days that burn to a crisp and look more like lobsters splayed out on Panama City Beach.

It’s supposed to hit a high of 81-degrees here in sunny Florida today. These two, and a few others will get to hang out in the sunshine for a few hours and get their tan on. It’s like Spring Break for gunleather without the tan lines.

These two will be finished and on the websites later in the week. Neither are spoken for, so if you want one, shoot me an email to The price is $150 each plus $10 for Priority Mail shipping. Sales tax if you’re in Florida.

That’s all I’ve got for now. Thank you for reading.

From what’s left of America …

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First Monday of 2021.


Not a lot to talk about. We’ve got a brand-new year, and probably the weirdest one I’ve seen in this lifetime. The fear-factor we’ve all come to know and love is in full blossom. Thanks to folks like Steve Jobs and that Microsoft guy (Bill Gates) we have a million ways to spew terror and garbage that we didn’t have twenty or so years ago. The media can’t keep up, though they do their best. Anybody with a smartphone is now a reporter, analyst, photographer, and newscaster. Veracity be damned. Accuracy and reality are mere nuisances. If you’re a network of any sort or have a decent number of YouTube subscribers, then you can be sponsored/supported by a myriad of pharmaceutical companies.

Obesity, diabetes, stress, can’t sleep, can’t poop, issues with feelings, aging, skin issues, hair greying, aches, pains, emotions, depression, sugar, fat, cholesterol, fleas, ticks …we have drugs or vaccines for all of that and more. Invariably, once you’ve taken the drugs and vaccines, you’ll need a lawyer, or team of lawyers, to represent you and seek reparations for the side effects which range from cancer to bleeding from the ass.

It’s Monday. I needed a post for the blog here, and I didn’t really have anything to talk about. Clearly, I still don’t.

From what’s left of America …

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I took about five months off to work on other projects. Gave up 100% of my “social media,” and pretty much stepped off the world train. It was, in a word–awesome. Turns out, I didn’t miss much of anything. I did miss a lot of the people, so my herd instinct brought me back.

If you believe even a small portion of what the drug company supported commercial media is spewing out there, you’d think the entire country has pretty much gone to hell. In a lot of ways, I’d agree that it has. But, fact is, we really don’t have that luxury. We’ve been through worse, with fewer options.

I had shut down this web domain at and put more focus on my domain at I decided that I wanted the punishment of trying to maintain two websites, so I reactivated this one with a new theme, and very little planning and direction. I don’t have a blog on the other site, and I missed it.

Overall, I’ve learned that most of the time, ignorance is, in fact, bliss. We don’t have enough letters in the alphabet to name all the storms in a busy hurricane season, ALL gun laws are unconstitutional, our immune systems are shot, most politicians aren’t people we’d allow into our homes, and it really doesn’t matter who the President is. I’ve seen a few over the last near-60-years, and I can’t name one that has made what I’d call a “difference.” That’s probably a good thing–if they had that power, we’d really be screwed.

Beyond all that, it’s nice to be back.