…and none of what you hear. That was attributed to Ben Franklin, but you can’t believe it because of all of the above. It’s also been attributed to Edgar Allan Poe. I still think it’s good advice, considering the quandary we all find ourselves in. The less I see and hear, the smaller the shovel I need to keep handy.

My newest round knife, aka head knife, etc., is the one above from Terry Knipschield up in Minnesota. Terry hasn’t been accepting orders for the last several months (to my knowledge) as he’s been rebuilding his knife shop. When he does get back to building knives again, I highly recommend them. I got this one almost a year ago, and finally decided to show it off.
That’s about all I have for today. It looks like we’ve got about fourteen days left in 2020, and we can kick this pig in the ass and send it on its way.
Just in case I get lazier and don’t do another blog post this month, thank you for reading. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and God Bless you and yours.
From what’s left of America …